Why use Waffle Slab Foundations for your next project
Waffle slab or rib foundation has been widely used in New Zealand particularly after the earthquakes in the Canterbury region.
With a combination of ground improvement, waffle slab can be used in TC2 and TC3 land.
With the Polystyrene pods are used as formwork between the ribs, the system will provide a high level of built-in insulation.
Even in good ground, this system is also preferred by builders due to its ease of construction and cost when compared to the traditional construction method.
Main benefits of Waffle Slab
Larger span of slab and floor with less number of columns.
Load carrying capacity is greater than the other types of slab.
Savings on weight and materials.
Good vibration control capacity
Attractive soffit appearance when exposed
Vertical penetrations between ribs are easy.
Economical when reusable formwork is used.
Fast and speedy construction.

Fil Engineers team have designed plenty of this system and can offer competitive costing and guaranteed five (5) days turn around time. If you need help in your next project, please contact me at 021 213 06 98 or admin@filengineers.co.nz.